Office Location

273 Lenox St, Suite 8 Norwood, MA 02062-3497
Phone: (617) 796-9900


The faces of  Vantage Graphics

We are a family owned SDO certified company, with over thirty years of combined experience behind us, our commitment to quality, service, technical excellence, and the environment leads us to the future.  Part of this is our commitment to service. We know what it means to meet schedules, to respond quickly and to accommodate you with last minute client changes. Good service is easy to promise, but hard to deliver...however, we prove time after time that we deliver our promise. This strategy has kept our clients extremely pleased. In fact, we’ll make you look good every time; not only to your clients, but to potential clients as well.
A Fresh Perspective on Responsible Manufacturing
For years, Vantage Graphics has made a commitment to minimize our environmental
impact and to strengthen our community partnerships.

We continually implement new programs to recycle, reduce waste and conserve energy. Because of our efforts we are now able to recycle anything from paper and solvents to printing plates and plastic wrap. We send our waste ink to be blended into fuel and our warehouse  are equipped with motion-sensor lighting.

Environmental Efforts

It is Vantage Graphics' company’s policy to utilize manufacturing processes that have a minimal impact on the environment. We use recycled materials at every opportunity. We use low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) or VOC-free solvents, inks and cleaning products. Nearly all of our waste is reclaimed –almost nothing goes into a landfill. As part of our daily operation, we follow sustainable manufacturing processes that include:

  • Recycling all plastic wrap, plastic and metal banding from skids and other shipments
  • Shipping waste ink off site to be blended into a fuel source used in cement kilns
  • Reducing press solvent waste by 60% over a 5-year period. What’s left is blended into fuel
  • Recovering, filtering and re-using solvents from parts washers and clean-up rags
  • Recycling all printing plates
  • Recycling all waste paper, including paper consumed in our front office
  • Recycling all corrugated cardboard and all wood pallets
  • Reusing all waste press sheets as press make-ready stock
  • Using conventional inks with a high level of vegetable oil content including soy, linseed, sunflower and tung oils
  • Using VOC-free inks and coatings whenever possible
  • Eliminating virtually all isopropyl alcohol content from our fountain solutions and lengthening the life-cycle of fountain solution by filtering and reusing
  • Using low-VOC blanket wash towels in place of high-VOC blanket wash solution resulting in an 80% reduction in the amount of solution used
  • Utilizing motion-sensor lighting in our warehouse

We are a full service commercial printer and promotional product distributor. Promotional products, also known as ad specialties, make up a nearly $22 billion dollar industry and are used by virtually every business in America. Why? Items like mugs, pens and t-shirts are memorable and provide a better cost per impression for advertisers than almost every major marketing effort like TV, magazines and the Internet. We are able to supply your company with every possible promotional product from over 3000 suppliers. With so many ad specialties available there is a huge opportunity for professionals like you to boost ROI and leave a lasting impression with your customers. Our mission is to help you create long-lasting relationships with your clients through the power of print and promotional products. Our clients are leading corporations, printers, ad agencies, graphic designers and publishers, and we offer our teamwork to your graphic arts projects. We'll stick by our quotes and provide you with excellent work, within your time frame, and within your budget.